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Practice Culture & HR Courses

Training Objectives & Description 

• Team modification training on interaction • • and communications
• DISC testing and training
• Team cultural sensitivity training
• Teamwork empowerment training

Training Visual Materials

• Team exercises
• Video Modules
• PowerPoint Presentation
• DISC TEST Pamphlets
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 3 weeks
• 2 day a week
*Entire team

Training Objectives & Description

• Office culture
• Culture policy building
• Written culture mantra
• Practice Vision building
• Accountability

Training Visual Materials

• Team presentations
• Video Modules
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 2 weeks
• 1 day a week

Training Objectives & Description

• Office formats
• Team protocols
• Goals and Targets

Training Visual Materials

• Team presentations
• Video Modules
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 1 week
• 2 days

Training Objectives & Description

• Office systems/reviews
• HR protocols
• HR forms
• Review Labor Law Links

Training Visual Materials

• Form reviews
• System training
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 2 weeks
• 2 days
*DDS and managers only

Training Objectives & Description

• Financial allocation
• Budget
• Social media and algorithms
• Legal responsibilities
• Employee protocols

Training Visual Materials

• Team exercises
• Working visuals
• Training video
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• Course delivery 1 week
• 1 days a week
* Entire team

Patient Protocols Courses

Training Objectives & Description

• Rebooking verbal psychology for hygiene retention
• Rebooking protocols for DDS schedules
• Rebooking protocols for hygiene schedules
• Booking psychology for treatment

Training Visual Materials

• Working visuals
• Training video
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• Course delivery 2 weeks
• 2 days a week

Training Objectives & Description

• Team modification training on new patients communications
• New patient forms systems
• Increase new patient formats

Training Visual Materials

• Team Exercises
• Video Modules
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 2 weeks
• 2 days a week
* Entire team

Training Objectives & Description

• Office protocols
• Verbal skills
• Office Policies

•Review Office Systems

Training Visual Materials

• Team exercises
• Lecture material
• Testing Material & Grading
• Power Presentations

Delivery Time 

• 1 week
• 1 day
*Entire team

Hygiene Retention Courses

Training Objectives & Description

• Train and review processes and systems in place
• Train on tracking hygiene patients rebooking rates
• Training on verbal communication skills

Training Visual Materials

• Working manual sample
• Training video
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• Course delivery 2 weeks
• 1 days a week
* Hygiene team

Training Objectives & Description

• Patient conversion to active patient
• Emergency patient’s conversion to permanent patient
• Patient conversion to Hygiene program

Training Visual Materials

• Team Exercises
• Video Modules
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• 2 weeks
• 2 days a week
*DDS, Hygiene Team & Treatment Coordinator

Financials & Practice Goals Courses

Training Objectives & Description

• Financial protocols and systems
• Schedule financial goals
• Financing alternatives

Training Visual Materials

• Working manual sample
• Training video
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• Course delivery 1 week
• 1 days a week
* Treatment coordinator and Administrative team

Training Objectives & Description

• Financial protocols and systems
• Sundry Expenses
• Recurring office expenses
• Budget

Training Visual Materials

•Working visuals
• Training video
• Testing Material & Grading

Delivery Time 

• Course delivery 1 week
• 1 days a week
* DDS and partners only